Quavo Team Up With Lana Del Rey For New Single, ‘Tough’ – Watch Now

Tough Quavo
Via Youtube

American record producer, Quavo has teamed up with singer, Lana Del Rey for a new single titled ‘Tough.’ Watch the full music video below.

The music video was directed by Wyatt Spain Winfrey, Quavo & Lana Del Rey, and edited by Lucas Cook. In the music video, where Quavo and Del Rey deliberately dance together while singing along to the song, play guitar on a cottage porch, and bask in the foliage of a rural landscape.

Together, they sing in the video: “Tough like the scarf on a pair of old leather boots/ Like the blue-collar, red-dirt attitude/ Like a .38 made out of brass/ Tough like the stuff in my grandpa’s glass/ Life’s gonna do what it does/ Sure as the good lord’s up above/ Cut like a diamond shining in the rough, tough.” 

The track, “Tough” harkens back to the hip-hop-influenced sound of Del Rey’s debut, Born to Die. It marks the first collaboration with a rapper since Lust for Life.

Last year, Del Rey released the last album, Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd. She has indicated that a new country album, Lasso, will arrive out in September.

Quavo Team Up With Lana Del Rey For New Single, ‘Tough’ – Watch Now

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