Zeds Dead’s New Album ‘We Are Deadbeats'(Vol. 4) Out Now[Listen Here]

Zeds Dead's New Album 'We Are Deadbeats'(Vol. 4) Out Now[Listen Here]
Zeds Dead's New Album 'We Are Deadbeats'(Vol. 4) Out Now[Listen Here]

The one we have been waiting for has released, the Canadian electronic music duo Zeds Dead has dropped their new album named ‘We Are Deadbeats'(Vol. 4). Check out the album below.

Read More :- Zeds Dead Shares Best Mixes Of The Decade

This album contains 14 EDM tracks, which has 14 collaboration with likes of Deathpact, Subtronics, Delta Heavy, Dion Timmer, Slushii, Champagne Drip, and more.

While the releasing they said about this album :- “We wanted to collaborate with some artists on our label as well as artists that represent the kind of music you’ll hear at a Deadbeats show. We are in the process of finishing our second album, and at the same time have been working on these tracks for our live sets. Over time all these tracks started fitting together like a mixtape or compilation of sorts, and we felt it was a natural evolution of the We Are Deadbeats series we’ve had on the label since it started. It took shape very organically and what was once meant to be a sort of precursor to our album eventually transformed into an album of its own and we’re incredibly happy with how it turned out. That second Zeds Dead album is still coming though!”

Here are the 14 tracks of ‘We Are Deadbeats'(Vol. 4) by the most popular EDM duo Zeds Dead. Hope you like this album and must share this with your friends.

Zeds Dead is a Canadian electronic music duo from Toronto, Canada. Dylan Mamid, also known as DC, and Zachary Rapp-Rovan, also known as Hooks, rose to prominence releasing original music and remixes from 2009–10 before becoming a staple on the international touring circuit thereafter.

Read More :- Zeds Dead & Subtronics Release New Drop “Bumpy Teeth”

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