We All Are Become Music Addict Unknowingly

music addict
Via unsplash

Music addict – Everyone enjoys music, it serves as a companion to us. When we are lonely, we like to listen to music, and many of us listen to music while sleeping. It’s becoming more of a necessity than entertainment, and rapidly our music addiction increases, and we became addicted to music.

There is a serious need that we have to understand because there is a fine line between love for music and addiction. Nothing excites us more than music.

Nothing is more singular about this generation than its addiction to music.

Allan Bloom

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It is not just enough to only understand that whether we have an addition or not but the content we consume from music affect us a lot knowingly or unknowingly it comes in between our daily life.

I came up with 5 points that will help you understand whether you are music addict or not, as well as how you can fight it.


This is very basic thing that music addict person do. Music becomes a dopamine source either you have it or just feel sad, alone and don’t understand what to do. You started to realize that your daily life affecting by it.


In staring don’t try to force yourself too much. Just try out this simple things.

  • Try to keep music volume down.
  • Spend more time your loved ones.
  • Listen podcast or watch movie that inspires you.

You spend all your money on music-related stuff such as buying a good sound quality headphone, speakers, creating a various playlist for managing different types of emotion.

Fill all your rooms with posters. Try to found out about all music concert, festivals things day in and out about your favourite artist.


  • When you are out of emotion don’t put music on.
  • Go any place where we will avoid this music stuff.
  • Try some new thing which you want to do for a long time.

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You can say it is a nice thing but in reality, it is not. After real meditation, you become more controlled, happy and can manage your emotion in a better way but this not a case with music any more music make you more aggressive and sad that you never been.


  • Make new friend it is not easy but gradually it will.
  • Start real meditation.
  • Go travelling and leave music stuff at home.


Is this true? Sometimes we often verify it from a different source but deeply we know that one day without music addict makes us really mad.

Think about why you have became addicted in the first place. if you knew it then go and solve that problem because that pushes you every day in music. If you can’t then try out this solution.


  • Make a list of task you want to do in a day in a given time.
  • Whenever you need music watch comedy.

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There is one superpower that all humanity has. A human can change himself according to a situation. An addicted person doesn’t need anything to get high music on the world off.

Do you ever want to become drug-addicted so why are you act addicted to music, my friend? If you want to avoid music you will find a way easily.


  • Delete all application related to music.
  • Indulge yourself in some sport activity.


We can say we consume content and then content consume us. We become what we listen to, what we think most of the time and now at the age of social media, aggressive music and pop culture we forget to give respect to anyone, just always be there in our own world.

Negative music lyrics amplify aggressive thoughts and emotions, which can reinforce aggressive actions and have long-term consequences.

Do what you want to do that really matters in your life. Don’t do what the recommendations tell you to do.