Here we go guys, In this article, we will be looking for the best GTA characters of all time. As we all know, In a world where there are over 100 million people who play GTA, it’s hard to choose which character is best. We have cops, gangsters, mechanics, comedians, and athletes. Whatever your mood, you can find someone who fits it. It’s not easy to choose a favorite character out of such a diverse cast, but if you have to we will discuss some best characters in GTA.
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10 Best GTA Characters Of All Time
1 – Michael

Michael De Santa aka Michael Townley is one of the main GTA characters in Grand Theft Auto V Game, voiced by Ned Luke. In the game, He is a former bank robber and career delinquent, who faked his death to retire and live a quiet life with his family in Los Santos. He has two best friends named Franklin Clinton and Trevor Philips.
2 – Tommy Vercetti

Thomas “Tommy” Vercetti is a character in the GTA series who emerges as the main person of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (set in 1986), voiced by late movie actor Ray Liotta. Depicted as both intellectual and moody. He is efficiently angered and immediately resorts to violence. He does not hesitate to kill.
3 – Niko Bellic

Niko Bellic is one of the most famous GTA characters of Grand Theft Auto IV. Also, The player can decide on Niko Bellic as their parent model in Grand Theft Auto Online. He rose up in Yugoslavia, where he battled in the Yugoslav Wars. Later, He worked for managed crime conglomerates as a hired gun in Liberty City.
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4 – Franklin

Franklin Clinton is a character in the GTA series who appears as one of the three protagonists in the Grand Theft Auto V game, voiced by Shawn Fonteno, along with Trevor Philips and Michael De Santa. He was born and lived his entire life in Los Santos. He became a gangbanger at a young age.
5 – Trevor Philips

Trevor Philips is a character in the GTA sequence, emerging as one of the three protagonists of Grand Theft Auto V, voiced by Steven Ogg, along with Michael De Santa and Franklin Clinton. Trevor is a prisoner and former bank thief with a complex past, who later established his own company, Trevor Philips Enterprises. Best known to have commonly irresponsible and very aggressive behavior, but he is also very loyal and deeply respects all those close to him.
6 – Claude

Claude is a most popular GTA character in the Grand Theft Auto series who emerges as the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto III. Claude is a hushed criminal with an unrecognized background. In all of his appearances, he never emits and, as such, doesn’t have any voice actor.
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7 – Johnny Klebitz

Jonathan “Johnny” Klebitz is one of the best GTA characters who emerge as a supporting character in Grand Theft Auto IV. Johnny is casual and laid back most of the time. He is very easily angered and will become aggressive and violent when provoked.
8 – Carl Johnson

Carl “CJ” Johnson is the main GTA character in the Grand Theft Auto series, appearing as the gangster of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. CJ is markedly various from the previous playable characters in the Grand Theft Auto series. While Claude and Tommy Vercetti are both described as totally heartless and feeling no regret for all of the people that they kill.
9 – Toni Cipriani

Antonio “Toni” Cipriani is a main character in Grand Theft Auto III (set in 2001), and the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (set in 1998). Toni is a member of the Leone Crime Family in Liberty City.
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10 – Victor Vance

Victor is an ex-soldier who was looking to earn money for his dysfunctional family. Victor is a tough and sometimes strict person when it comes to the crimes he unwillingly commits. Vic is also shown to be a short-tempered man.