12 Katy Perry Without Makeup Pictures You Should See

katy perry without makeup
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As we all know, Katy Perry(real name Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson) is an American singer, songwriter, and television judge. Most of the time we see her with stylish makeup on TV shows and functions, but it is very rare that she come outside without makeup. So, In this article, we are going to presents you 12 Katy Perry without makeup pictures, where she is looking gorgeous in these photos.

Katy Perry is the first artist to have multiple videos reach one billion views on Vevo. She has received various awards, including four Guinness World Records, five Billboard Music Awards, five American Music Awards, a Brit Award, and a Juno Award. She is one of the world’s best-selling music artists, having sold over 18 million albums and 125 million singles worldwide. In 2018 Perry also began serving as a judge on American Idol. According to SeaWallaLife.com, Perry is the 11 Most Popular Women in the World.

When you scroll up the page you will see the gorgeous or beautiful photos of Katy Perry with no makeup. She has an amazing skin tone and a healthy complexion that makes her beautiful.

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12 Katy Perry Without Makeup Pictures You Should See

1 – Katy Perry Beach Face

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In this picture, she is looking so wet, like she just came out from the swimming pool/ocean beach, the sun rays directly hit her. Meanwhile, we can see the beautiful pendant she wears, & she is looking so gorgeous, her skin is so bright without makeup.

2 – Katy Perry Shocking Smile

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In the second picture, we see her shocking smiley face, like somebody surprisingly captured this picture and she got shocked. She looks beautiful with clear skin & a beautiful smile, also she wears a sober shirt & neckless. Katy always manages her pretty look with or without makeup.

3 – Katy Perry Tired Face Without Makeup

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Katy Perry looks so sick & tired in this photo, but she is not, this picture is taken on that way, it looks like she just took off her sunglasses and talked to someone. Looking at these photos it seems like if she put on makeup or not she always looks beautiful.

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4 – Katy Break From Paparazzi

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This is an incredible photo of her, Katy Perry went somewhere and met her friend and her face indicates that she got some shocking news from a friend, weird. However, she looks so sweet and beautiful without put any makeup on. She wears the jacket with a scarf and her glass increases her beauty.

5 – Katy Perry Swiming Look

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This photo was clicked when she was swimming in the swimming pool. We can clearly see her without makeup look in this photo, pool water washed her face. Katy always keeps a beautiful smile on her face because she adores living a simple life.

6 – Katy Without Makeup With Black Look

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Taking about this picture, Katy looks so decent and simple with a black tracksuit, we can easily see that she has not put on makeup that’s why she is looking so clean and good. It seems like she went to the gym and came back home after the workout. Obviously, who put makeup on the gym, and also, she didn’t have eyeshadow behind those sunnies.

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7 – Katy Chiling With Dog

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This is her one of the rarest picture we have. She spotted on the street during morning walk with her pet dog. In this photo, her adorable doggie Nugget makes this photo beautiful & spirits up. She keeps a beautiful smile on her face and it looks like she saw someone and passed the smile.

8 – Katy Perry Workout Day Look

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In this picture, she is doing work out at the gym, we can see the tattoo on her right hand, her blue color hairs makes her face gorgeous. Perfect picture.

9 – Katy Candy Look Without Makeup

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She looks so yummy & delicious in candy dressed look. Her red/pink shiny candy shapes on the dress make her soft, sweet without makeup. In the meantime, She like a kid in a candy store.

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10 – Katy Perry Scare Look

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In this picture, she looks so scared and worried about something, however her skin looks so pretty and fresh without makeup. This picture reminds us a scene from the horror movie, Blair Witch Project.

11 – Katy Simple Cute Look

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Katy Perry is a deeply spiritual person, her beauty is naturally very good. She takes serious care of her face, she knows how much makeup she has to put, that’s why lots of people admire her. In this picture, she wears a pure white t-shirt and looking attractive without makeup or no makeup.

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12 – Katy Perry Thumbsup Face

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Most people don’t know that Katy Perry actually has naturally sandy blonde hairs. Sometimes she colors her hair because she attends lots of events and functions. In this picture, we can see her amazing sandy blonde natural hairs, and looks gorgeous without makeup.