15 Best Stand Up Comedians || Top Comedians

Best stand-up comedians
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Who are the best stand-up comedians? It has always been a question. Every comedian has a different tone of skills, genre, life experiences, and style of pitching their jokes.

So, this list will be comprising the best stand-up comedians of all time. Also, they are ridiculously funny and crazy both at the same time. As they can make you laugh so, hard that you will be holding your stomach and begging them to stop.

Also, many of the comedians on the list have hosted their shows. These are the people who have taken comedy to new heights. Also, made it possible for the newcomers to grab an opportunity to do comedy.

So here comes up with the list of the 15 best stand-up comedians of All-Time

15. Jim Gaffigan

Best stand-up comedians Jim Gaffigan

He is one of the very favorite stand-up comedians around the world. As he always rips off himself. Either by pointing out his looks, or any deformities he has in such a subtle manner, you would be laughing like a madman.

14. John Mulaney

Best stand-up comedians John Mulaney

Although he may appear to be a well-dressed boy, he has received widespread recognition for his sophisticated and astute insights into American society. Also, his three specials for Comedy Central and Netflix have received critical and popular acclaim.

13. Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart is an actor but mostly a comedian. Also, he has great comic timing. He is also one of the highest-paid comedians in the world.

12. Bill Hicks

Best stand-up comedians Bill Hicks

Hicks, known for his pessimistic outlook on life and smoking cigarettes on stage, acquired a sizable fanbase in the 1980s and early 1990s and has since been recognized as a philosopher’s comic. He died at the young age of 32 due to pancreatic cancer in 1994.

11. Rodney Dangerfield

Best stand-up comedians Rodney Dangerfield

King of One-Liner. He is greatly admired by the comedians who came after him. He used to help small comic artists get a chance in the industry.

10. Bill Burr

Best stand-up comedians Bill Burr

The co-founder of All-Things comedy network. He is an American stand-up comedian, voice-over artist also sometimes a musician, and a beautiful writer. Bill has given 6 specials of his stand-up and is highly recognized for doing his show called Monday Morning Podcast. He is super funny.

9. Andrew Dice Clay

Andrew Dice Clay

With a cigarette and his flamboyant personality, he is one of the best stand-up comedians in the industry. His vibe is totally off the charts.

8. Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld

He is known for his sitcom “Seinfeld”. Also, he is the richest comedian in the world. So, that’s his worth. In the list, no one is as rich as Jerry.

7. Louis C.K

Louis C.K

Louis C.K. is a comedian, actor, writer, and filmmaker from Mexico. He is one of the greatest stand-up comedians who was born to do comedy.

6. Chris Rock

Chris Rock

He is a very influential comedian and also one of the most loved and recognized faces around the globe. He is known for his stand-ups and comic timing and is a fan favourite.

5. Robin Williams

Robin Williams

You must have watched Jumanji starring Robin Williams. But before getting opportunities in film he is a stand-up comedian who is impeccable at his work. Also, he is widely regarded as a very funny comedian. But he is also a good actor who has done remarkable work in his films and his comedy sets.

4. Dave Chappelle

Dave Chappelle

He is the disciple of Richard Pryor. In 2019 he won the Mark Twain Prize for his humor and punchlines. He has also worked in films.

3. Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy

While Eddie is highly regarded for his films. But he started his career as a stand-up comedian. He was also, a regular member of Saturday Night Live from 1980-1984.

2. Richard Pryor

Richard Pryor

In the history of stand-up comedy, it is difficult to find a more legendary performer than Richard Pryor. His ability to deal with unpleasant matters such as discrimination and his addictions to a broad audience was unique and inspiring to future generations.

1. George Carlin

George Carlin

He is the greatest American-born comedian. He is known for his black comedy which reflected the political agendas. Like many on the list went to work on the film but not Carlin he just loved comedy and comedy loved him. The most comedian looks up to George Carlin as an inspiration.

Also, you must know about the best Female Stand Up Comedians.