Hello guys, Are you looking for the strongest star wars characters? so you are at the right place, in this article, we are going to present you the powerful and strongest star wars characters of all time. You must have seen this movie once in your life, it marks the world’s most popular franchise of all time & its characters are super cool and fan favorite.
As you all know, Star Wars is an American epic space opera multimedia franchise created by George Lucas, which formed with the eponymous 1977 film and quickly became a worldwide pop-culture wonder.
The star wars series includes:
- The Phantom Menace: Star Wars Episode I
- Attack of the Clones: Star Wars Episode II
- Revenge of the Sith: Star Wars Episode III
- SoloSolo (optional)
- Rogue OneRogue One (optional)
- A New Hope: Star Wars Episode IV
- The Empire Strikes Back: Star Wars Episode V
- Return of the Jedi: Star Wars Episode VI
- The Force Awakens: Star Wars Episode VII
- The Last Jedi: Star Wars Episode VIII
- Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
So when you scroll up the page you will see the strongest star wars characters of all time.
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15 Strongest Star Wars Characters Of All Time
1 – Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is a powerful star wars character and Tatooine farmboy who grew from humble origins to evolve one of the greatest Jedi the galaxy has ever known. Luke opposed the vicious Empire, found the truth of his parentage, and finished the authoritarianism of the Sith.
2 – Palpatine

Sheev Palpatine is the most notorious of its principles. He is very Scheming, powerful, and evil. Darth Sidious restored the Sith and destroyed the Jedi Order. Living a dual life, he was also Palpatine, a Naboo Senator and phantom menace. He manipulated the political system of the Galactic Republic. One of the Strongest Star Wars Characters ever.
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3 – Valkorion

Valkorion is the strongest soldier from the planet Zakuul who lived centuries before the Galactic War. When the Force commodity comprehended as Vitiate reached on Zakuul, he picked Valkorion to evolve his new host body and took guardianship of the man’s physical form.
4 – Irek Ismaren

Irek Ismaren is the son of Sarcev Quest and Roganda Ismaren, one of Emperor Palpatine’s concubines. Due to his mother’s position, Irek rumoured to be the Emperor’s son, and Roganda cultivated these rumours, raising her son as a possible heir to the throne. One of the Strongest Star Wars Characters ever.
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5 – Yoda

Yoda is the most popular character in star wars and the legendary Jedi Master with the Force. His size is small but ingenious and powerful, he taught Jedi for over 800 years, recreating vital roles in the Clone Wars, the teaching of Luke Skywalker, and unlocking the path to immortality.
6 – Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker kept the potential to evolve one of the most powerful Jedi ever and believed by some to be the predicted Chosen One who would get the credit to the Force. An icon of the Clone Wars, Anakin was affectionate and benevolent, but also had a fear of loss that would prove to be his downfall. One of the Strongest Star Wars Characters ever.
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7 – Darth Krayt

Darth Krayt, born A’Sharad Hett, was a powerful star war character & human male warrior who served as a Jedi Master in the waning days of the Galactic Republic. One of the Strongest Star Wars Characters ever.
8 – Mace Windu

Mace Windu was a grim Jedi Master with an amethyst-bladed lightsaber & the champion of the Jedi Order, with smallish toleration for the failings of the Senate, the assertions of politicians, or the opinions of rebellious Jedi.
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9 – Darth Plagueis

Darth Plagueis was a Force-sensitive Muun male Dark Lord of the Sith and the Sith Master of Darth Sidious. He was a powerful Sith Lord who was capable to use the Force to control the midi-chlorins to create life. One of the Strongest Star Wars Characters ever.
10 – Darish Vol

Darish Vol was the Grand Lord of the Lost Tribe of Sith, the highest-ranking role in the Tribe. As Grand Lord, he headed over the Tribe’s ruling council, the Circle of Lords.
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11 – Revan

Revan was a highly trained fighter, especially with a lightsaber. He skilled at deflecting and turning enemy fire with his lightsaber and his capabilities were strengthened by his gift of prescience. One of the Strongest Star Wars Characters ever.
12 – Vaylin

Vaylin was a Force-sensitive female Human daughter of Senya Tirrell and Valkorion, the “Immortal Emperor” of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul.
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14 – Kueller

When Kueller was a student at the Jedi Praxeum, Kueller believed excessively powerful but left before his training could fully develop his abilities. As a Dark Jedi, Kueller exerted a blue lightsaber and was able to conquer Luke Skywalker in a duel, though his enemy had been badly injured in a starfighter crash. One of the Strongest Star Wars Characters ever.
15 – Jacen Solo

Solo had a natural talent for fencing and was deemed one of the best duelists in the Praxeum shortly after constructing his lightsaber. By the time he was a Sith Lord, he was a deadly duelist, able to engage multiple Jedi at a time and even defend himself against Jedi Battlemaster Kyle Katarn.